Oooh...this could be tough, since my present and past administrators may read this post. I'll tread carefully and comment in general and not make any references. :) Yeah, who am I kidding?!?!
But seriously... I have been in the workforce for over 22 years. Granted, only four of these are in teaching, but I equate a manager or supervisor equal to an administrator. And with all of this experience, I certainly have learned what I appreciate in a person who is supervising me.
So, in the spirit of David Letterman, I have created my own top-10 list...
10. If you know the DiSC profile, I prefer to work for a D. (FYI - I am an "I")
9. If you know Ken Blanchard and Situational Leadership, I prefer a servant leader. I also prefer a flexible management style; one who can manage me according to my ability with a task, policy or concept.
8. I need a leader who can provide big-picture structure and flexibility with the details.
7. I need a leader who can remove obstacles (metaphorically) and then get out of my way and let me get the work done.
6. I need a leader support me and the decisions I make... and when I do something that is wrong, give me the support and tools I need to see and understand what I did.
5. I need a leader who has the "stuff" to give me bad news and give me the time to process it. (Story...I worked for a manager once who bought our team two rounds of drinks (our team was traveling on assignment) and then decided to tell me after he'd been drinking that I wasn't getting promoted. Inappropriate!)
4. I want a leader that knows I have a personal life outside of work and who will share their personal life outside of work with the staff/team.
3. I want a leader who isn't a mean person (read: snarky, bitchy, plays favorites blatantly, intentionally degrades or derides people, accuses without evidence, fakes enthusiasm, lies, is nonethical and has no shred of integrity). (And believe me, I have worked for people who fit all of those descriptions...)
2. I need a leader who uses appropriate tone, voice and use of words. (Story...worked for a person that used the "F-bomb" every other sentence.)
1. I need a leader who appreciates my quirkiness and allows me to be me.
Any "perfect" administrator out there?!?!?!?!
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