Wednesday, June 18, 2014




November 4th; Election Day
An innocent email sent my way

Am I mistaken - did Erika die?

Questioning and inquiring
Many desiring
For the answer that brings truth.

Surely a lie, a rumor - how could I not know?

Interrogative and investigative
A phone call can explain it
Cancer strikes her youth.

Why did you think secrecy was the answer?

Shock and sadness
Sobs ripping from me in madness
Tears that sting and stain.

Why did you retreat and not allow us to help?

Despair and disbelief
Anger gnashes from my teeth
Betrayal like no other pain.

Did you want to spare our feelings...or yours?

Four years gone now
And we've moved on somehow

All we're left with is... Questions.