Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 3: In which area do you think you can improve the most?

The questions just keep getting tougher, don't they?  This one is tough because there are many areas to improve in - not that I'm doing a bad job - but you can always keep learning and honing your teaching craft.

I find that it takes me a couple times (ok, more than a couple of times) to do something to really 'get it' and execute it well.  It really can be anything - a change in classroom management practice, grading rubric, lesson planning and execution, or conferencing with parents through phone or email.  Honestly, I would like to shorten that learning curve.  I think in order to do that, several things must happen:

1.  Continue to be proactive in planning...anticipate as many bumps in the road and how to overcome those
2.  Ask more questions of colleagues in how they would handle/plan/anticipate situations and scenarios...use the multitude of experience around me.  (I think it is in this area alone, I could improve the most!)
3.  Reflect, reflect, reflect and document, document, document.
4.  Rinse and repeat.

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