The list is long!
Fortunately, the State of Iowa requires a mentor for the first two years of a teacher's career. Without my mentor, I would have never been as successful as I was those first years. However, even with my mentor safety net, I had some reservations going into that first day.
Here is a "brief" list of my worries going into that day...
1. What if I can't keep the class under control?
2. What if a student swears at me?
3. What if I make a mistake in front of the class?
4. What if I can't remember to take attendance?
5. What if my seating chart doesn't work?
6. What if I call a student by the wrong name?
7. What am I doing three weeks from now in the curriculum?
8. What if a student lost his/her schedule?
9. Am I really going to be here in this room with 30 kids all by myself?
10. Am I organized enough?
11. Do I really know what I'm doing?
12. What if they don't sit down?
13. What if I haven't planned enough for the time we have?
14. What if a parent calls me after the first day?
15. Why did I take this job?
And you know what I found out? The kids were great - and everyone sat. And I did mess up a few names, but the world didn't come to an end, and the kids were very forgiving. I had planned too much in the lesson and I knew what I was doing three weeks into the schedule. All in all, I had planned for the worst and the best happened - and I had an amazing first day of teaching.
Most of all, I learned to relax, laugh and go with the flow. When you teach eighth graders, surprises occur, things don't go as planned and mistakes happen.
It's just like life.
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